Fan the Flames of Learning
Ignite the fire with our curated collection of additional resources. Whether you’re an educator, a student, or simply passionate about transformative education, these resources are designed to inspire and facilitate a deeper understanding and application of the concepts within our book. Explore, learn, and be part of the change towards a more meaningful and passionate educational experience.
- Authentic Learning as a Vehicle for Change | Mary Ruth McGinn | TEDxGreatMills
- The Lie
- Stedwick Elementary Third-Graders Perform Ukulele Concert
- The Legendary Acorns Presents The Paradox of Real Life
- Kids playing and singing plastic song outside MR Recycle
- Vimeo Version with password: StedwickElementary2019
- Kennedy Center Millennium Stage Performance: Bigger Than Our Barriers
- “A Storm Inside” Opera at Stedwick Elementary School in Montgomery Village
- One School’s Journey by Eleanor K. Smith and Margaret Pastor, 2021, Amazon
- Teaching for the Students by Bob Fecho, 2011, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Hidden Potential by Adam Grant, 2023, VikingBelonging by Geoffrey Cohen, 2022, W.W. Norton and Company
- Dark Horse by Todd Rose and Ogi Agas, 2018, HarperOne
- The Schools Our Children Deserve by Alfie Kohn, 1999, Houghton Mifflen
- Frames of Mind by Howard Gardner, 1983, Basic Books, Inc
- The Right to Learn by Linda Darling Hammond, 1997, Jossey-Bass, Inc.
- Experience and Education by John Dewey, 1938, Simon and Schuster
- The Death and Life of the Great American School System by Diane Ravitch, 2011, Basic Books
- Start with Why by Simon Sinek, 2009, Portfolio
- Experience and Education by John Dewey, 1938, First Touchstone Edition
- Teaching with Heart, by Sam M. Intrator and Megan Scribner, Jossey-Bass, 2003
- Teacher Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Alternative Structures – NASSP Bulletin 1981
- A Study of Higher Order Need Strength and Job Satisfaction In Secondary Public School Teachers – The Journal of Educational Administration, Summer, 1982
- School Discipline and the Character of Our Schools –Phi Delta Kappan, May 2002
- Character, Choice, and Student Behavior – contribution to Early Childhood Education Today, George Mason, Pearson, 2004
- Diane Ravitch website posting – 2014
- Engage Me and I Learn – Phi Delta Kappan, October 2016
- Failure Must Be An Option for Success – Phi Delta Kappan blog, April 2017
- Why Standardized Tests Aren’t Working for Teachers or Students – Education Week, June 2019
- One Teacher’s Operatic Journey in the Classroom – Arts Link– Americans for the Arts, 2014
- A Maryland Teacher Changes Lives by Creating Opera in the Classroom – Huffington Post, 2013
- For Second Graders, an Operatic Difference- The Washington Post, 2012
- Songs That Span the Ocean- Washington Post Magazine, 2010
- Cuando la Ópera Combate el Autismo- El País España, 2008
- Ópera Contra el Aislamiento- El País España, 2008
- Así Se Fabrica una Ópera- El Mundo España, 2008
- Estos Niños Son Unos Maestros- Metro Madrid, 2008
- Volver a Ser Joven- ABC, 2008
- Una Clase Sin Libros- El País Semanal España, 2008
- Tres Grupos de Escolares de 6 a 11 Años Crean Su Propia Ópera- Actualidad, 2008
- Cambiar el Mundo Utilizando una Herramienta Para el Futuro- Scherzo Revista, 2007
- Educar Desde la Música: Una Iniciativa Más Allá de la Ley- Melómano Revista, 2007
- Get Up and Sing- Teaching Pre K-8, cover story, 2006
- Don’t Leave These Kids Behind- Washington Post Magazine, cover story, 2005
- Singing for Their Education- Women’s Day Magazine, 2004
- Mini Mozarts- NEA Today, 2003